Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeopathic Remedies For Eczema

eczema  is a mysterious condition. Although not particularly difficult to diagnose, there is no known cure for eczema. It is thought to be hereditary, but stress  can bring on outbreaks and food and seasonal allergies are known to exacerbate the symptoms. With so many unanswered questions it is perhaps surprising that most doctors turn to the same treatment: Steroid or cortisone cream of various potency.

This essay will discuss some of the homeopathic, herbal and folk remedies for eczema. Always avoid treatments that may conflict with medicines you are currently talking and when in doubt consult your physician. You should also be aware that outbursts can be brought on by allergic reactions to food or seasonal allergies and reducing or managing your stress level may help keep the condition at bay.

Many remedies attempt to alleviate the symptoms of eczema, but don’t profess to actually cure the problem. You may want to approach the condition holistically, which would entail changing your lifestyle, dietary habits, and incorporating stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga into your life.

There’s no lack of opinions for those wanting temporary relief from the itchy, scratchy, flaky skin associated with eczema. These symptoms have persisted throughout the ages and nearly every folk tradition offers some form of treatment. It’s important to use common sense whether you choose to rub a nutmeg paste onto your arm, employ ultraviolet light or modern urine therapy, or simply use steroid creams. Be careful around your eyes and always research the side effects of whatever treatment you wish to use. Cortisone creams, for example, often thin skin tissues and may bleach the affected area white as well as having other side effects.

Witch Hazel has been used to treat inflamed skin conditions in the past, though it may be too harsh for many cases of eczema. Some people report success in keeping symptoms at bay by applying Crisco or even animal fat on the afflicted area. Many non-steroid topical creams such as Noxema and Suave skin conditioners have been used to treat the dry skin associated with the condition, but lotions that use urea are said to work much better. The most-popular over-the-counter lotions are Eucerin and Nutradern Therapeutic Lotion.

It is often preferable to try to address eczema from the inside out, examining nutritional deficiencies, poor lifestyle choices or other possible causes. Although it may be possible to treat your skin condition directly, unless you can find the root of your problem topical treatments will mostly be effective only for flare-ups.

There is some evidence to suggest Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in a variety of sources including certain fish oils, flaxseed oil and borage oil, can help clear up eczema. These oils can be digested directly in the foods in which they naturally occur – salmon, flax seed, etc… -- or ingested as a dietary supplement, in pill or gel form.

Codfish liver oil is particularly high in the Omega-3 amino acids, and Carlson’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is perhaps the most popular version available. Flaxseeds can be purchased at most health food stores and ground down for easier digestion. Evening primrose oil likewise has been successful in treating eczema in some patients.

Other herbs regularly taken by eczema suffers include chaparral, dandelion, kelp, red clover and yellow dock. Sulfur, found in keratin, is said to strengthen skin and sulfur baths have been used through the ages as a treatment in controlling blighted skin. Oolong tea has also been used successfully, and detoxicants and antioxidants such as green tea or kombucha tea are suggested for those who fear that they may be suffering allergies to persistent toxins in their environment.

There is some research to support that probiotic bacteria promotes a healthy immune system
and may help quell symptoms of eczema. Probiotic bacteria are helpful bacteria found in some yogurts. Other remedies that enhance the immune system may also reduce the effects of eczema, and daily vitamin supplements containing Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Biotin and Zinc should help promote healthy skin and enhance your immune system.

Topically applied herbal remedies for eczema include burdock root, German chamomile and goldenrod for inflammation of the area and Roman chamomile to alleviate discomfort. Other topical solutions including using a small amount of Vitamin E on the area or soothing the irritated skin with Jojoba oil. As mentioned earlier, always be careful around your eyes and never try to moisturize your eyelids.

Eczema (clinically called dermatitis) can drive you crazy. The itch can start up at any time, interrupting your dealings with other people and even your sleep. Its unattractive appearance on the face or other exposed parts of the body can make one want to hide. What’s worse is that its cause is unknown and there is no known medical cure. The standard relief available is the use of moisturizing lotions and creams and the temporary use of steroids which may cause one to feel even worse when it is discontinued.

Other forms of itching (pruritis) may result from ingesting food or drugs that aggravate the skin, or from serious illnesses such as leukemia.   

Here are some of the common forms of eczema:

CONTACT – swelling, red itchy bumps as a result of exposure to metal ( e.g. jewelry) or chemicals. Even eliminating the sources may leave the skin aggravated for several weeks afterward.

ATOPIC – red, itching, oozing, crusty bumps which may appear on any part of the body. Cold weather, humidity, wool, perspiration, or emotional stress may aggravate it.

SEBORRHEIC – itchy, crusty bumps and scales appear on face and scalp. Infant cradle cap is this type of eczema.
Nummular – the eruption appears in the shape of round coins filled with itchy little blisters and scales. Often the dry skin of middle age is susceptible to this form.

Localized scratch dermatitis – can appear anywhere on the body. At first there is no eruption, just itchiness. Scratching results in darkened oval patches on the skin. The cause is almost certainly psychological.

The following are not considered to be eczema, although they are common and can be just as uncomfortable.

Dermatitis herpetiformis – the very itchy blisters appear to result from a sensitivity to gluten ( found in wheat, rye, barley) and/or to dairy products and possibly other foods such as citrus.

Drug reactions – many chemical drugs, because they irritate the liver, will cause itchy skin eruptions.
Fortunately, there are measures you can safely take to relieve your eczema and your otherwise itchy skin.  With homeopathy you may even eliminate it entirely.

The Role of Nutrition

No matter what sort of itchy skin you have, you can improve your health with a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruit, and plenty of water. In addition, the following supplements will support your immune system:

• Vitamin B complex- promotes circulation and healthy skin
• Essential Fatty Acids – Omega 3, 6, 9 – provide lubrication and help the skin retain water
• Vitamin C – inhibits inflammation
• Coenzyme Q10 – removes toxins and boosts energy
• Acidophilus – controls an overgrowth of yeasts which can cause your skin to itch

Homeopathic Medicine for Eczema

Because you are a unique individual, your eczema will likely be different from that of another sufferer.  Some people feel they have to scratch until their skin bleeds; other people experience cracking skin that oozes a clear or yellow fluid. Some people have solid little bumps; others have vesicles filled with fluid and yet others develop crusts and scabs. Where the eczema appears on your body will also be individual. Some people only experience it on their arms and legs; others have it around their ears, and on their necks, backs, and buttocks. How you respond to the eczema, its appearance, its location on your body, and the type of discomfort you feel when you scratch are important in determining the correct homeopathic remedy.

In addition, your homeopath will ask you about your responses to weather, your sleep patterns, and your food aversions. He or she will also want to know about any traumatic events you may have experienced. The remedy chosen will not only relieve your itchy skin, but give you an overall feeling of well-being.

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