Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeopathic Treatment

 Homeopathy is considered by some to be the most effective form of natural medicine developed in the last 300 years; discovered in the late 1700’s by a German physician, chemist, and medical translator named Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy has since been practiced throughout the world since.The main principle of homeopathic medicine is that minute amounts of safe, non-toxic, natural substances derived from the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms can be used to treat the person through the law of similars. The word Homeopathy is derived from the Greek homoios for similars and pathos for suffering giving, similar-suffering. This is known by the latin phrase, similia similibus curenter, or “like cures like.” Substances that in higher doses produce similar symptoms, in lower doses will treat the same similar symptoms. When the correct homeopathic remedy is given, an individual’s inherent healing mechanisms are stimulated to restore balance and bring about a rapid and gentle relief of symptoms.

One special area of Homeopathy is the Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment. This style of treatment blossoms the individual’s personality to becoming more self-actualized (See “Self-Actualization” page of this website.) This type of person is said to have a deep understanding of life’s possibilities instead of being held back by the limitations that individuals feel prevent their success. They are able to accept themselves for who they are and strongly come to terms with their faults without abnormal feelings of guilt or shame. To read about the life-changing experiences of clients who have taken the Homeopathic journey.

 Homeopathy views and homeopathic remedies

the human being as an unified whole which at any given time operates on three diverse levels: the mental/spiritual, the emotional/psychological and the physical level. The organism always works as a whole, whether well or affected by illness-generating factors. A condition is a deviation from the regular health status and not something which is an separated event in and of itself. If a stimulation is more powerful than the resistance of the organism, it results to instability and a number of signs. Homeopathy and the homeopathic remedies bases its complete homeopathic treatment therapy on an observation of subjective symptoms - it is the total of symptoms which makes up the patient's very own sickness, and thus every example of disease have to be treated individually with it's own homeopathic curative. The vital concept in homeopathy and homeopathic treatment is to induce the body's self-healing abilities. It is also said that potentization of homeopathic remedies enhances the potency in the electromagnetic field of the matter. All living beings and all essences have electromagnetic fields. A matter can effect an individual in two separate ways: either through direct chemical induction or through exchange between the electromagnetic fields, provided that their respective frequencies are closely enough to one another for a vibrancy to be achievable. In this manner, the original substance's electromagnetic field is transported to the solution's molecules without their resonance frequency being different. Not all homeopathic remedies within homeopathy are potentised. Hering has developed the nosode science (from the Greek noxe=damage). Nosodes are homeopathic remedies which has been developed from the disease inducing matter. Nosodes are used in homeopathic treatment for instance in treating infective maladies and allergies. The procedure is similar to the desensitisation therapy used in conventional health care.

The fundamental idea of homeopathy, homeopathic treatment and the dilution of homeopathic remedies

- the important homeopathy and homeopathic treatment formula is that like cures like. That matters which can evoke complaints also can cure these, is presumed to be the situation because these matters provoke the body's defence systems. The patient's immune system can only manifest its action through the presentation of symptoms. That is why a favourable response to a homeopathic curative can be preceded by an seeming “deterioration” of symptoms, a so called “primary aggravation”. This can therefore be viewed as a desirable response: the patient initially gets worse in order to then get improved. If, however, an prescription is repeated too often without being called for, the aggravation can be harmful; the defence system can be over stimulated.

Homeopathic remedies, fundamentals of homeopathic treatment and understanding homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies and homeopathic treatment are used both for acute and long suffering problems. They are said to be especially effectual with allergies (asthma and inflammatory conditions of the skin), cephalalgia, megrim, feminine illnesses and gerontological care. On the other hand they are not as helpful when it comes to cancer, MS and other sicknesses in which organs and tissues have been ruined, as well as in those examples when the patient's own strength has been weakened by forms of abuse and elongated medical application with cortisone, psychopharmacology, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Science cannot describe homeopathy and the result of homeopathic treatment, nor how homeopathic remedies function. Just like in various other cases where different prototypes about human health encounter, as for example in the example of stylostixis, it is expected to show that it works without being able to clarify how. Acupuncture is a part of modern healthcare today, e.g. at childbearing. homeopathic medication is part of common health care in many commonwealths, such as the India, Austria and Brazil.

Homeopath and homeopathic treatment

Hering's law, named after the historical homeopath C. Hering, denotes just this: that diseases which do not get enough, i.e. homeopathic treatment can go from an acute to a chronic stage. They also have a inclination to move from the external parts of the body to the inner parts, from lesser to more significant organs and from the lower parts of the body to the higher. A real sanative process goes in the diametric direction: upwardly and downwardly, the most significant organs getting assuagement first, inside and out. This process oftentimes signifies that earlier phases of disease get relieved.

While homeopathy stress

that every diagnosis and homeopathic treatment must comprise the whole body, only unwell cells is thought to react to the homeopathic treatment given. The cause is that the resistance of these cells is lower and that the cell's life-sustaining shape is presumed to concur with the main form of the remedy's substance (or, its electromagnetic frequencies). Exactly because of this, and due to the lack of unfeigned material matters in the homeopathic remedy, the risks for injurious side consequences or harmful effects of an incorrect remedy is small. In spite of this, the preference is for the lowest workable dosage of a remedy.

Guide to Homeopathic Treatment - All homeopathic remedies in the Materia Medica

have a commentary of the symptoms and signs associated with the substance in question, listed under somatic symptoms and signs. Listed are also factors which have an impact on the patient's symptoms, such as types of pain and what ameliorates and makes worse. Apart from localised symptoms, generic signs affecting the whole person and expressions of emotions and tempers are mentioned. Nevertheless, it is not the sign or signs in themselves which are then treated. The symptoms are clues - it is the hidden illness behind them which is tried to be grasped and treated.

A Homeopath commonly commences the homeopathic treatment

with an thorough medical history, including questions regarding their physical, mind or an intellectual process and emotional states, their life condition and any physical or emotional sicknesses. The homeopath then looks up comparable symptoms and signs. Each symptom or sign is then linked to a selected amount of homeopathic remedies of different likelihood. By collecting these findings with a software or an on-line repertory, the outcome of probably remedies can quickly be published to the homeopath. Originally, before the computer age the homeopath could consume several hours just looking for one remedy.

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