Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ignatia Homeopathic Remedy

In this remedy there is great strain upon the emotional centers. Recurrent shocks develop sensitivity, an aversion of personality, and confusion in the normal rhythm of the thought mechanism and indecision in action, which leads to various forms of irrational behavior. 

Ignatia basically typifies irresolution throughout the mental function; a heart breaking jumble of contradictory
Homeopathy utilizes microextracts made from plants, flowers, herbs and animals in very diluted alcohol-based tinctures or pellets that are taken under the tongue. The extracts take time to work but can help alleviate health  issues ranging from depression, anxiety, sadness or obsessive behaviors.Ignatia Mara is one remedy that every household could benefit from. It is often recommended by licensed homeopaths for use when a person is grieving over a death of family, friend or pet, or in times of a relationship breakup.
Especially suited to nervous temperament; women of a sensitive, easily excited nature; dark hair and skin but mild disposition, quick to perceive, rapid in execution. In striking contrast with the fair complexion, yielding, lachrymose, but slow and indecisive, Pulsatilla.
The remedy of great contradictions: the roaring in ears > by music; the piles > when walking; sore throat feels > when swallowing; empty feeling in stomach not > by eating; cough < the more he coughs; cough on standing still during a walk ([Ast. fl.]); spasmodic laughter from grief; sexual desire with impotency; thirst during a chill, no thirst during the fever; the color changes in the face when at rest.
Mental conditions rapidly, in an almost incredibly short time, change from joy to sorrow, from laughing to weeping ( Coff. , Croc. , Nux m. ); moody.
Persons mentally and physically exhausted by long-concentrated grief.
Involuntary sighing ( Lach. ); with a weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach; not > by eating ( Hydr. , Sep. ).
Bad effects of anger, grief, or disappointed love ( Cal. p. , Hyos. ); broods in solitude over imaginary trouble.
Desire to be alone.
Finely sensitive mood, delicate consciousness.
Inconstant, impatient, irresolute, quarrelsome.
Amiable in disposition if feeling well, but easily disturbed by very slight emotion; easily offended.
The slightest fault finding or contradiction excites anger, and this makes him angry with himself.
Children, when reprimanded, scolded, or sent to bed, get sick or have convulsions in sleep.
Ill effects, from bad news; from vexation with reserved displeasure; from suppressed mental sufferings; of shame and mortification ( Staph. ).
Headache, as if a nail was driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it. ( Coff. , Nux , Thuja ).
Cannot bear tobacco; smoking, or being in tobacco smoke, produces or aggravates headache.
In talking or chewing, bites inside of cheek.
Sweat on the face on a small spot only while eating.
Oversensitiveness to pain ( Coff. , Cham. ).
Constipation; from carriage riding; of a paralytic origin; with excessive urging, felt more in upper abdomen ( Ver. ); with great pain, dreads to go to the closet; in women who are habitual coffee drinkers.
Prolapsus ani from moderate straining at stool, stooping or lifting ( Nit. ac. , Pod. , Ruta ); < when the stool is loose.
Haemorrhoids: prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced; sharp stitches shoot up the rectum ( Nit. a. ); < for hours after stool ( Rat. , Sulph. ).
Twitchings, jerkings, even spasms of single limbs or whole body, when falling asleep.
Pain in small, circumscribed spots.
Fever: red face during chill ( Fer. ); chill, with thirst during chill only; > by external heat; heat without thirst, < by covering ( > by covering, Nux ).
Complaints return at precisely the same hour.
Ignatia bears the same relation to the diseases of women that Nux does to sanguine, bilious men.
There are many more Ignatia persons in North America than Nux vomica persons – Hering.
Relations. – Incompatible: Coff. , Nux , Tab.
The bad effects of Ign. are antidoted by Puls.
Aggravation. – From tobacco, coffee, brandy contact, motion, strong odors, mental emotions, grief.
Amelioration. – Warmth, hard pressure ( Cinch. ); swallowing; walking.

AILMENTS AFTER GRIEF (headache, amenorrhea, chorea, etc.).
SIGHING, especially common in older patients, often loud sighs.
<<Desire to avoid crying giving way to sobbing.>>
<<Aversion to consolation.>>
<<Stormy relationships filled with recrimination. Jealousy.>>
<<Alternating moods>> - laughing to weeping (Puls, Merc, Croc).
HYSTERIA OR HYSTERICAL SYMPTOMS such as numbness, paresthesia, paralysis, etc.
FEAR OF BIRDS or chickens. Claustrophobia.
<<Desire for and amelioration from traveling.>>
<<Great defensiveness and touchiness.>>
<<Rude or suspicious and doubting patients.>>

<<General and local complaints better when traveling.>>
<<General aggravation from eating sweets>> (Arg-N).
Paradoxical symptoms - inflamed joints which are better when pressed, sore throat better when swallowing, etc.
Aversion to tobacco smoke or smokey rooms.
Amelioration in the rain.

Tics, twitches, spasms especially coming after grief.
Convulsions. Petit mal. Encephalitis. Chorea.
Hysterical paralysis or anesthesia.

PERSPIRATION ONLY ON THE FACE; perspires first on face or lip.
Headaches after a grief.
Headache with pain like a nail driven into head.
Alopecia, especially after grief (Ph-Ac).
Tendency to bite tongue or inner cheeks when speaking or chewing.

Cravings: <<Cheese.>> Fruit.
Aversion: FRUIT.
Hiccoughing paroxysms.
<<Rectal spasms>>, fissure, hemorrhoids, prolapse.
Sensation of poker or a knife in rectum.

SIGHING. Yawning.
Constriction or sensation of weight in the chest with dyspnea.
Palpitation from grief (Dig).

<<Back spasms, especially after a grief.>>
Cramps or drawing pains.

Insomnia or more commonly, excessive sleepiness after grief.
<<Dreams of water>> or waves breaking over her.

Arthritis. Arrhythmia. Asthma. Bulimia. Chorea. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Cough. Depression. Encephalitis. Environmental illness. Globus hystericus. Headache. Hirsuitism. Hysteria or conversion reactions. Low back pain. Migraine. Obesity. Rectal cramp. Rectal fissure. Rectal prolapse. Spasm. Tics.

Nat-M. Sulph. Calc. Sep. Apis.
Nux V.
Nux-V - Spasms, cramps and tics, sensitive to criticism, jealousy, rectal pathology, constipation.
Nat-M - Complaints from grief and disappointed love, hysteria, aversion to consolation, globus hystericus, sighing, back pains.
Chin. Caust. Calc-P. Strych. Plat. Sep.

Homeopathic Remedies For Allergies

Homeopathic Remedies For Allergies
This homeopathic remedies will relieves the allergies problem such as;
- hay fever,
- sneezing,
- itching, including itching and burning sensation,
- water eyes,
- runny nose,
- pollen allergies,
- some of the ingredients also could relieves related to coughing and wheezing,

that may had some symptoms as following;
- severing with itching in the eyes or face
- swelling in the lips
- swelling in the tongue
- swelling in the throat
- abdominal pain
- cramps
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- hives, including hives in throat

In this homeopathic remedies, the ingredients, direction and cautions used and benefits as following;

homeopathic remedies for allergy

HayFever Fighter™ is safe and non-addictive homeopathic remedies with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) registered and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) registered–a requirement for manufacturers of foods and medications to assure that medication are of the required quality.

Homeopathic Medicine For Weight Loss|Obesity Treatment

 Samuel Hahnemann, who was researching malaria treatments, discovered homeopathy in the early 1800s. He used an approach similar to modern day inoculations: He gave the patient a minute amount of an herb or mineral that would--in larger doses--cause the same ailment that he was treating.

Over many years, Hahnemann found that homeopathy worked well in such minute amounts, a chemist could barely detect the powerful herb or mineral in the sugar pill that contained it.

Since that time, homeopathy has been a preferred medical approach in the U.K. and in Europe, especially among royalty. In the U.S. and Canada, homeopathy has recently gained in popularity, especially for weight loss.

Homeopathy treats symptoms rather than the specific disease. So, a homeopathic physician will ask you what makes you feel better or worse, related to your physical complaint. Once he's narrowed the symptoms to just a few, he may ask you to try one homeopathic remedy for a few days. If it doesn't help, he may add another remedy, or change your treatment altogether.

It's rarely smart to self-medicate when you are ill. And, to discover the best homeopathic remedy for your weight loss challenges, you'll get the best results if you consult a health care professional. The information in this article is not a substitute for qualified medical care.

In the field of homeopathy, several leading remedies can help with weight loss. The names of homeopathic products are usually in Latin, and often abbreviated on the label.

These are some of the more popular remedies that you can find at many pharmacies and health food stores. Most of them help your diet efforts by balancing your metabolism and general digestion.

Ferr. phos. is an all-purpose tissue salt that can help if you are feeling cranky on a diet. If you are trying to lose weight in connection with hormonal changes, such as menopause, this is a good remedy to try first.

Coffea cruda is a good choice if you're feeling "on edge" and little things bother you more than usual. Another indication for Coffea cruda is you have insomnia. Finally, this remedy may be recommended if feel flushed when others feel comfortable, yet going outside makes you feel worse, not better.

Calcarea carbonica is used in cases that are similar to Coffea cruda, with one very important exception: Calcarea carbonica is preferred if your eyelids feel stuck together when you wake up, if your nose is runny, or if you have a slight discharge from your ears. This remedy can also help if you're feeling lightheaded while dieting, but your nutritional level is good.

Calcarea carbonica is generally more popular than Coffea cruda, but it's important to be guided by your symptoms.

If a craving for sweets is your worst diet problem, Argentum nitricum or Lycopodium Clavatum can help immediately. Try one; if it doesn't work, try the other after a few hours. The homeopathic remedy Sulphur is a third choice if the other two don't help; it's one of the most popular treatments for many ailments, too.

On the other hand, if you want to snarl at the next person who asks you about your diet or reminds you not to eat too much, Antimonium crudum may be the best remedy. It's especially useful if your irritability is accompanied by flatulence or belching, you're noticing more blemishes than usual, and you crave sour foods and vinegar.

If you've been feeling anxious or especially sad lately, Ignatia Amara might be helpful. It's the first choice if you're someone who eats when nervous or agitated. If you've noticed that you're sighing a lot and don't know why, this is another indication that Ignatia can help.

Sulphuricum Acidum may help if you keep eating, even after you're full. It's especially advised if you're someone who tends to rush through everything, trying to fit more into your day.

These are just a few of the most popular homeopathic remedies
that can help when you're on a diet.

If you're confused by the wide scope of this subject, you can buy combinations of homeopathic remedies for specific purposes. There are several mixtures sold for use with diets; your health food store probably has some. Many people have success with them, although classical homeopathy insists that only one remedy is ever necessary or appropriate.

Because the active homeopathic ingredient can be one one-millionth of the sugar pill that it's in, this is one of the safest pharmaceutical areas. You can combine homeopathic treatments with traditional medicine, and many doctors do. Nearly half of all doctors in France, Holland, and the U.K. have recommended homeopathy or believe that it is an effective treatment.

The low price of many homeopathic remedies--under $5 in many cases--makes this especially attractive if you'd like help with your diet. Homeopathic remedies are available over-the-counter, since they are generally non-toxic.

However, you'll get the best results if you consult someone who has studied the thousands of homeopathic choices that are available.

Obesity is fast becoming a major cause of disease and death like cigarette smoking. Almost 25% of Americans are obese. The other countries are also showing increase in obese people. In India there is overall increase in number of obese people but especially it is more common in northern parts of India.

Weight gain after pregnancy has become very common these days. Apart from physiological reasons, this weight gain may be due to thyroid dysfunciton, birth control pills, stress and so on. Stress releases some hormones in the body which lead to weight gain. Sometimes, allopathic drugs such as anti depressants and anti psychotic drugs are given for depression after pregnancy, which can lead to further weight gain.

There are a lot of treatment options and remedies available in the market for obesity. But almost all of them are associated with serious side effects and toxicity except homeopathy. And mind you side effects of drugs kills more people in United States than road accidents.

In homeopathy there are 189 remedies for obesity. The choice of remedy depends upon the complete case history of the patient. This is very unique to homeopathy. A remedy is tailormade for a particular patient not like other therapies where all are given the same drug may be having different trade names. This is the reason that homeopathy is free from side effects whereas other therapies have toxic effects on a person.

For example, Fucus vesiculosus is chose by a homeopath when the patient also has thyroid problem and is constipated. It is also helpful in burning up the fat tissues. Phytolacca berry is chosen when we have to increase the metabolic rate. A homeopath may choose Calcarea carbonicum if the patient is fair, fatty and flabby with depression and constipation. So, in homeopathy the choice of remedy depends upon the complete symptomatology of the patient.

In my medical practice I use the homeopathic program for obesity or weight management given by Dr. Richard Clement, MD, with some changes to suit my individual patients. This program consists of 4 Cs - Change, Control, Cleanse, Caloric Reduction.

Change: Use smaller plates, eat with the non dominant hand i.e. if you are a right-handed person you should eat with left hand and vice versa, do not read or watch TV while eating, chew every bite twenty times.

Control: The right homeopathic remedy with a help of a professional homeopath to control obesity.

Cleanse: Drink lots of water. Exercise atleast 45 minutes daily; any type of exercise would do; it may be walking, jogging, playing a sport, anything. Your homeopath may add homeopathic remedies for liver and kidney elimination. All the above mobilize the accumulated toxic substances in the body to be washed away.

Caloric Reduction: Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits with high fibre content and low calories and sugar.

The above obesity treatment program has given me amazing results in patients who are committed and follow the instructions and remedies given.

Thus, homeopathy offers a safe, long lasting and holistic solution for fat loss in obese people. The remedies are composed of natural elements in minuscule doses with absolutely no side effects. In dealing with the problem, it goes to the very root of it, is gentle on the body and takes into account the emotional and psychological aspects of a patient.

International research shows that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in reducing weight and offer fast weight loss as they help to burn calories faster by speeding up the metabolic rate.

As most people are now aware, losing weight is no longer about looking good but being healthy. Homeopathy helps in doing so safely, surely and systematically so that the weight that comes off stays off.

For online homeopathic treatment of obesity or weight loss program, you may fill in the consultation form at 

What is Obesity?  

You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

An overweight or obese adult is determined by body mass index (BMI) which is defined as follows: Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters or as weight in pounds multiplied by 705 and then divided twice by height in inches.

A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 indicates that an individual is overweight, whereas an obese adult has a BMI of 30 or higher.

Another way to determine obesity is that if you are weighing 20% more than your ideal body weight, you are considered obese or overweight. Your ideal weight is based on age and gender.

Causes of Obesity
    * Poor diet.
    * Diabetes.
    * Thyroid disorders.
    * Heredity.
    * Insufficient exercise.
    * Sedantary lifestyle like watching TV.
    * Smoking.
    * Drinking alcohol.
    * Certain drugs like estrogens, progestins, insulin and steroids have weight gain as their side effect.

Dangers of Obesity    

    * Enlargement of liver due to high fat content.
    * Extra weight puts a lot of pressure on heart and peripheral vascular system and usually lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
    * Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be triggered by even moderate rise in fat.
    * Colorectal cancer and breast cancer has been associated with obese people.
    * Respiratory problems are also aggravated by excessive weight gain.

Consult a Doctor if    
    * your obesity is associated with menstrual troubles, drop in libido or male pattern hair distribution.

Diet, Nutrition & Prevention    

    * One should eat 3 or 4 moderate meals per day and day meal should be the main because if the dinner is heavy it would be less easily absorbed and digested.
    * Diets are actually not recommended because then you have to fast or deprive yourself which would eventually make you unhealthy and you would gain more weight than before afterwards.
    * You must not reward yourself with food.
    * High-fibre and low-fat diet is recommended. It should be a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates such as pasta and potatoes, chicken, fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits.
    * Sedantary habits like watching TV should be abandoned.
    * Start playing some sport or have some regular exercise routine.
    * Drink lots of water atleast 10 glasses per day instead of soft drinks and juices.
    * Stop smoking because it affects the storge of fat leading to more deposition in the waist area.
    * Alcohol should be moderate.

Home Remedies for Obesity     

    * Craving for sweets can be reduced by having 1 to 2 tsp of    brewer's yeast or some dandlion.
    * You can increase your metabolism with Bee pollen or a dash of cayenne (Capsicum frutescens).

Homeopathic Remedies For Eczema

eczema  is a mysterious condition. Although not particularly difficult to diagnose, there is no known cure for eczema. It is thought to be hereditary, but stress  can bring on outbreaks and food and seasonal allergies are known to exacerbate the symptoms. With so many unanswered questions it is perhaps surprising that most doctors turn to the same treatment: Steroid or cortisone cream of various potency.

This essay will discuss some of the homeopathic, herbal and folk remedies for eczema. Always avoid treatments that may conflict with medicines you are currently talking and when in doubt consult your physician. You should also be aware that outbursts can be brought on by allergic reactions to food or seasonal allergies and reducing or managing your stress level may help keep the condition at bay.

Many remedies attempt to alleviate the symptoms of eczema, but don’t profess to actually cure the problem. You may want to approach the condition holistically, which would entail changing your lifestyle, dietary habits, and incorporating stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga into your life.

There’s no lack of opinions for those wanting temporary relief from the itchy, scratchy, flaky skin associated with eczema. These symptoms have persisted throughout the ages and nearly every folk tradition offers some form of treatment. It’s important to use common sense whether you choose to rub a nutmeg paste onto your arm, employ ultraviolet light or modern urine therapy, or simply use steroid creams. Be careful around your eyes and always research the side effects of whatever treatment you wish to use. Cortisone creams, for example, often thin skin tissues and may bleach the affected area white as well as having other side effects.

Witch Hazel has been used to treat inflamed skin conditions in the past, though it may be too harsh for many cases of eczema. Some people report success in keeping symptoms at bay by applying Crisco or even animal fat on the afflicted area. Many non-steroid topical creams such as Noxema and Suave skin conditioners have been used to treat the dry skin associated with the condition, but lotions that use urea are said to work much better. The most-popular over-the-counter lotions are Eucerin and Nutradern Therapeutic Lotion.

It is often preferable to try to address eczema from the inside out, examining nutritional deficiencies, poor lifestyle choices or other possible causes. Although it may be possible to treat your skin condition directly, unless you can find the root of your problem topical treatments will mostly be effective only for flare-ups.

There is some evidence to suggest Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in a variety of sources including certain fish oils, flaxseed oil and borage oil, can help clear up eczema. These oils can be digested directly in the foods in which they naturally occur – salmon, flax seed, etc… -- or ingested as a dietary supplement, in pill or gel form.

Codfish liver oil is particularly high in the Omega-3 amino acids, and Carlson’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is perhaps the most popular version available. Flaxseeds can be purchased at most health food stores and ground down for easier digestion. Evening primrose oil likewise has been successful in treating eczema in some patients.

Other herbs regularly taken by eczema suffers include chaparral, dandelion, kelp, red clover and yellow dock. Sulfur, found in keratin, is said to strengthen skin and sulfur baths have been used through the ages as a treatment in controlling blighted skin. Oolong tea has also been used successfully, and detoxicants and antioxidants such as green tea or kombucha tea are suggested for those who fear that they may be suffering allergies to persistent toxins in their environment.

There is some research to support that probiotic bacteria promotes a healthy immune system
and may help quell symptoms of eczema. Probiotic bacteria are helpful bacteria found in some yogurts. Other remedies that enhance the immune system may also reduce the effects of eczema, and daily vitamin supplements containing Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Biotin and Zinc should help promote healthy skin and enhance your immune system.

Topically applied herbal remedies for eczema include burdock root, German chamomile and goldenrod for inflammation of the area and Roman chamomile to alleviate discomfort. Other topical solutions including using a small amount of Vitamin E on the area or soothing the irritated skin with Jojoba oil. As mentioned earlier, always be careful around your eyes and never try to moisturize your eyelids.

Eczema (clinically called dermatitis) can drive you crazy. The itch can start up at any time, interrupting your dealings with other people and even your sleep. Its unattractive appearance on the face or other exposed parts of the body can make one want to hide. What’s worse is that its cause is unknown and there is no known medical cure. The standard relief available is the use of moisturizing lotions and creams and the temporary use of steroids which may cause one to feel even worse when it is discontinued.

Other forms of itching (pruritis) may result from ingesting food or drugs that aggravate the skin, or from serious illnesses such as leukemia.   

Here are some of the common forms of eczema:

CONTACT – swelling, red itchy bumps as a result of exposure to metal ( e.g. jewelry) or chemicals. Even eliminating the sources may leave the skin aggravated for several weeks afterward.

ATOPIC – red, itching, oozing, crusty bumps which may appear on any part of the body. Cold weather, humidity, wool, perspiration, or emotional stress may aggravate it.

SEBORRHEIC – itchy, crusty bumps and scales appear on face and scalp. Infant cradle cap is this type of eczema.
Nummular – the eruption appears in the shape of round coins filled with itchy little blisters and scales. Often the dry skin of middle age is susceptible to this form.

Localized scratch dermatitis – can appear anywhere on the body. At first there is no eruption, just itchiness. Scratching results in darkened oval patches on the skin. The cause is almost certainly psychological.

The following are not considered to be eczema, although they are common and can be just as uncomfortable.

Dermatitis herpetiformis – the very itchy blisters appear to result from a sensitivity to gluten ( found in wheat, rye, barley) and/or to dairy products and possibly other foods such as citrus.

Drug reactions – many chemical drugs, because they irritate the liver, will cause itchy skin eruptions.
Fortunately, there are measures you can safely take to relieve your eczema and your otherwise itchy skin.  With homeopathy you may even eliminate it entirely.

The Role of Nutrition

No matter what sort of itchy skin you have, you can improve your health with a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruit, and plenty of water. In addition, the following supplements will support your immune system:

• Vitamin B complex- promotes circulation and healthy skin
• Essential Fatty Acids – Omega 3, 6, 9 – provide lubrication and help the skin retain water
• Vitamin C – inhibits inflammation
• Coenzyme Q10 – removes toxins and boosts energy
• Acidophilus – controls an overgrowth of yeasts which can cause your skin to itch

Homeopathic Medicine for Eczema

Because you are a unique individual, your eczema will likely be different from that of another sufferer.  Some people feel they have to scratch until their skin bleeds; other people experience cracking skin that oozes a clear or yellow fluid. Some people have solid little bumps; others have vesicles filled with fluid and yet others develop crusts and scabs. Where the eczema appears on your body will also be individual. Some people only experience it on their arms and legs; others have it around their ears, and on their necks, backs, and buttocks. How you respond to the eczema, its appearance, its location on your body, and the type of discomfort you feel when you scratch are important in determining the correct homeopathic remedy.

In addition, your homeopath will ask you about your responses to weather, your sleep patterns, and your food aversions. He or she will also want to know about any traumatic events you may have experienced. The remedy chosen will not only relieve your itchy skin, but give you an overall feeling of well-being.

Homeopathic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation|Sex Problems

Homeopathic remedies are often useful for treating a variety of sexual problems. Homeopathic remedies work differently than medications do. They can address various symptoms even if you don't know the cause of the
symptoms. And they can be used to address symptoms that may be uncomfortable or bothersome but that are not actually a medical problem, such as painful erections that occur while you are sleeping. That's not a problem a doctor will be likely to be able to do anything about, as it's not a medical problem. But if you experience it, you probably wish it would go away.

Homeopathy is based on something called the Law of Similars. Very small amounts of substances that actually cause the symptoms of a condition are used to improve or cure those same symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are safe to use even if you are on other medications or have heath problems. Because they contain very small amounts of the "active ingredients," it will not cause any problems. And yet, they are often very effective.

You can buy homeopathic remedies at most health food stores. You can even find them at some pharmacies. Of course, you can order them online, too. They are usually fairly reasonably priced.

Consider your symptoms carefully and take three pellets of the appropriate remedy every day for 20 days. Then re-evaluate. You can continue using the remedy if it's helping, but you may be over the problem and not need to continue taking the remedy any more. If you use a remedy for 20 days and it's not helping by then, you may need to try a different remedy or talk to your doctor about the problem.

Excessive sexual desire - PLATINUM METALLICUM 9 C

Fear of sex - PULSATILLA 9 C

Impotence (inability to get an erection) - CALADIUM SEGUINUM 9 C

Lack of sexual desire - ONOSMODIUM VIRGINIANUM 9 C

Lack of pleasure from sex - CALADIUM SEGUINUM 9 C

Painful ejaculation - CAUSTICUM ANNUUM 9 C

Painful erections while sleeping - CANTHARIS 9 C

Premature ejaculation - SELENIUM 9 C

Spontaneous ejaculation during sleep (wet dreams) - PICRICUM ACIDUM 9 C

Vaginal dryness that causes pain or discomfort during intercourse - LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 9 C

Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

Homeopathic remedies for depression have become quite popular over the last years due to intense Internet advertising. More and more people suffering from chronic disease turn to alternative treatments in order to reduce the number and the intensity of adverse reactions specific to traditional medication. The use of homeopathy for depression treatment is not new, yet it requires great care and close monitoring from a specialist.

Click Here to Discover The Best Natural Home Remedy for Depression

The multitude of remedies creates confusion!
If you read online materials about homeopathic remedies for depression, you will be overwhelmed and confused by the multitude of possibilities. Use Internet resources for information only, but do not start to self-medicate based on what you read on one website or another.
Depression like any other illness may be improved by using some homeopathic products, but the active substances and the combination of ingredients have to be selected precisely for your case. Therefore, the advise or recommendations of a homeopath are crucial. Do not self-treat!

Homeopathic Remedies for Depression – Base of Treatment

Homeopathic remedies for depression can only be prescribed after a careful analysis of your condition. You may have to show a copy of your medical file to the homeopath, and discuss all the details of the depression diagnosis.
You’ll then be prescribed the remedy that best matches your situation, depending on the symptoms you experience. Two people suffering from depression may get totally different homeopathic supplements.
 Precautions Before Trying Out a Homeopathic Remedy for Depression
There are sometimes dietary restrictions when using homeopathic supplements. In some cases the patient is not allowed to consume spices, garlic, onion or milk. It all depends on the active ingredients in the compounds you use.
Discuss all such details with the homeopath and also mention all the conventional drugs that you are using so as to anticipate and eliminate any risk of medical interactions.
As for efficiency, it takes time for alternative treatments to improve a patient’s condition, although individuality matters a great deal here. Remember that homeopathy offers a solution for symptoms, and homeopathic remedies for depression are only a form of support for the overall therapy.

Homeopathic Remedies Anxiety

Short periods of anxiety are experienced by almost everyone, but some individuals are more inclined to be troubled with this problem. 

A sensation of discomfort or apprehension is experienced (both emotional and physical) and, although the person may be aware of a reason for feeling insecure or worried, the cause is sometimes difficult to identify. Some individuals experience “panic attacks”—very distressing episodes accompanied by breathing problems, palpitations, and intense (but temporary) feelings of both agitation and helplessness. Homoeopathic remedies can often help to soothe anxiety and bring a person’s system into better balance.
For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this section. See also “Using Homoeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is Homoeopathy?
Aconitum napellus: A panic attack that comes on suddenly with very strong fear (even fear of death) may indicate this remedy. A state of immense anxiety may be accompanied by strong palpitations, shortness of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience will be the underlying cause. Strong feelings of anxiety may also occur when a person is just beginning to come down with a flu or cold.
Argentum nitricum: This remedy can be helpful when anxiety develops before a big event: an examination, an important interview, a public appearance or social engagement. Dizziness and diarrhoea may also be experienced. People who need this remedy are often enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses. They often crave sweets and salt (which usually make their symptoms worse).
Arsenicum album: People who are deeply anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with order and security, often benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and very neat, they may feel a desperate need to be in control of everything. Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from place to place. These people may also have digestive problems or asthma attacks accompanied by anxiety.
Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is usually indicated for dependable, solid people who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start to fear a breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and confused when tired, which adds to the anxiety. Worry and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread of disaster (to themselves or others) may develop. Fear of heights and claustrophobia are also common. A person who needs this remedy is often chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is easily fatigued.
Gelsemium: Feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being “paralyzed by fear”) suggest a need for this remedy. It is often helpful when a person has stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or feels anxious before a test, a visit to the dentist, or any stressful event. Chills, perspiration, diarrhoea, and headaches will often occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
Ignatia amara: A sensitive person who is anxious because of grief, loss, disappointment, criticism, loneliness (or any stressful emotional experience) may benefit from this remedy. A defensive attitude, frequent sighing, and mood swings are other indications. The person may burst unexpectedly into either tears or laughter. Headaches that feel like a nail driven into the side of the head, and cramping pains in the abdomen or back, are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Kali phosphoricum: When a person has been exhausted by overwork or illness and feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope, this remedy may help. The person is jumpy and oversensitive, and may be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring relief. Headaches, backaches, and nervous digestive upsets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Lycopodium: Individuals likely to respond to this remedy feel anxiety from mental stress and suffer from a lack of confidence. They can be self-conscious and feel intimidated by people they perceive as powerful (yet may also swagger or be domineering toward those with whom they feel more comfortable). Taking on responsibility can cause a deep anxiety and fear of failure, although the person usually does well, once started on a task. Claustrophobia, irritability, digestive upsets with wind and bloating, and a craving for sweets are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Natrum muriaticum: Deep emotions and a self-protective shyness can make these people seem reserved, aloof, and private. Even when feeling lonely, they tend to stay away from social situations, not knowing what to say or do. (Inhibitions sometimes leave completely if they turn to alcohol, which makes them feel embarrassed afterwards.) Easily hurt and offended, they can brood, bear grudges, dwell on unhappy feelings, and isolate themselves—refusing consolation even when they want it. However, they are often sympathetic listeners to other people’s problems. Claustrophobia, anxiety at night (with fears of robbers or intruders), migraines, and insomnia are often seen when this remedy is needed.
Phosphorus: People who need this remedy are openhearted, imaginative, excitable, easily startled, and full of intense and vivid fears. Strong anxiety can be triggered by thinking of almost anything. Nervous and sensitive to others, they can overextend themselves with sympathy to the point of feeling exhausted and “spaced out” or even getting ill. They want a lot of company and reassurance, often feeling better from conversation or a back-rub. Easy flushing of the face, palpitations, thirst, and a strong desire for cold, refreshing foods are other indications for Phosphorus.
Pulsatilla: People who need this remedy often express anxiety as insecurity and clinginess, with a need for constant support and comforting. The person may be moody, tearful, whiny, even emotionally childish. (Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for children.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Fresh air and gentle exercise often bring relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with Pulsatilla.
Silicea (also called Silica): People who need this remedy are capable and serious, yet are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread. Responsible and diligent, they often overreact and devote attention to tiny details—making their worries (and their work) more difficult. They often have low stamina and come down with colds, sore throats, or other illnesses after working hard or being under stress.

Homoeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homoeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required a few times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated a few times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.

Homeopathic Acne Treatment

What is Acne?

 Acne is a general term for pimples and deeper pustules that are clogged pores. If severe enough acne can leave permanent scars.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder of the skin's sebaceous glands and hair follicles that affects about 80% of people between the ages of 12 and 24. During puberty high levels of hormones are produced in both girls and boys. This leads to the production of large quantities of sebum. Sebum is an irritant that can clog the pores and form a pimple which may become infected and form a pustule. Hormones don't go away after adolescence. Many women still get premenstrual acne from of the release of progesterone after ovulation.
Acne is a disease that affects the skin's oil glands. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to the oil glands under the skin. These glands make an oily substance called sebum. The pores connect to the glands by a canal called a follicle. Inside the follicles, oil carries dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. A thin hair also grows through the follicle and out to the skin. When the follicle of a skin gland clogs up, a pimple grows. Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Acne is not a serious health threat but it can cause scars.

 Homeopathic Treatment of Acne
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathic treatment of acne. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.
Reportorial rubric:
[Kent] skin, Eruptions, Pimples
[Murphy] skin, Acne
[Boericke] skin, Face, Eruption on face, Acne rosacea/Acne simplex
[Boennighausen’s] Face, Acne

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

Sulphur, Sanguinaria, Kali bromatum,  Antimonium crudum, Asterias Rubens, Belladonna, Hepar Sulphur, Calcarea Silicata, Nux vomica,  Arsenicum iodatum, Causticum, Chelidonium majus, Graphites, Psorinum, Sabina, Calcarea phosphoricum, Thuja occidentalis, Ledum palustre, Nitricum acidum, Bovista, Tuberculinum.
Materia medica
Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to Sulphur in skin affections. Face is Pale, sickly color. Heat and spotted redness of face. Black pores. Itching intensely in evening and from warmth. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to Sulphur. Simple forms yield to Belladonna or Pulsatilla. Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum iodatum or Sulphur iodide.
It is another useful remedy in acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbances of women are Calcarea carbonica and Aurum muriaticum natronatrum.
Kali bromatum
Acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find acne in Epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. This remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, nervous females. Face flushed. Acne of face, pustules. General failure of mental power, loss of memory, melancholia, anesthesia of the mucous membranes. Suicidal mania with tremulousness. Itching of skin worse on chest, shoulders, and face. Anesthesia of skin. This remedy may be given if Asterias Rubens fails. Dr. J.H.Clarke says, "I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali bromatum 30," and the late Dr.A.M. Cushing recommended Arsenicum bromatum 4x as very efficacious.Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facialis. Calcarea picrata is also a useful remedy for acne; clinically it has been found one of the good remedies. Calcarea sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.
Antimonium crudum
Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white-coated tongue. Face with sad expression Fat, fretful, cross and peevish; cries if looked at, touched or washed. Ecstatic, dreamy, sentimental. Pustules.
Antimonium tartaricum.
Obstinate cases, with tendency to pustulation, are curable with this remedy.
Berberis aquifolium
It is useful where the skin is rough and the acne persistent.
Natrum muriaticum
It acts especially on the sebaceous glands, and is a very helpful remedy in acne. In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient's type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are far mores important than the local ones.
Asterias Rubens
Pimples on the face at the age of puberty. A remedy for the sycotic diathesis; flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with red face. Nervous disturbances. Pimples on side of nose chin and mouth.
Acne rosacea. Alternate redness and paleness of the skin. Skin dry, hot and swollen, pustules on face. Face is red, bluish-red, hot, swollen, and shining. Patient is restless and talks fast. Acuteness of all senses.
Hepar Sulphur
Papules prone to suppurate and extend. Acne in youth. Suppurate with prickly pain. Easily bleed. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Cannot bear to be uncovered; wants to be wrapped up warmly. Sticking or pricking in afflicted parts. Great sensitiveness to slightest touch. Constant offensive exhalation from the body Face, Yellowish complexion. Suits especially scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions that are inclined to have eruptions and glandular swellings. Unhealthy skin. Great sensitiveness to all impressions. The lesions spread by the formation of small papules around the side of the old lesion. Chilliness, hypersensitiveness, splinter-like pains, craving for sour and strong things are very characteristic.
Calcarea Silicata
Pimples, comedones. A deep, long acting medicine for complaints which come on slowly and reach their final development after long periods. Hydrogenoid constitution. Skin Itching, burning, cold and blue, very sensitive. very sensitive to cold. Patient is weak, emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally.
Nux vomica
Acne; skin red and blotchy. Body burning hot, especially face; yet cannot move or uncover without feeling chilly. The typical Nux patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. Nux patients are easily chilled, avoid open air. Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Does not want to be touched. Face Pale, yellowish, earthy or livid countenance. Yellow about nose, mouth or eyes. Red, swollen.
Arsenicum Iodatum
Acne hard, shotty, indurated base with pustule at apex. It will be indicated by a profound prostration, rapid, irritable pulse and severe cases of acne vulgaris. Great emaciation. Skin is Dry, scaly, itching. Debilitating night-sweats.
Acne rosacea. Acne in groups, aggravated by heat. Acne especially on nose Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion; Ailments from suppressed eruptions. Burning pimple with itching.
Chelidonium Majus
Painful red pimples and pustules; especially on nose and cheeks. Wilted skin. Dry heat of skin with itching. Painful red pimples and pustules. Face red, without heat. Itching over entire face and forehead. Depression and sadness, even to weeping. Restlessness and solicitude concerning the present and future.
Pimples and acne; itching. Skin is Rough, hard, persistent dryness of portions of skin. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Anemia with redness of face. Tendency to obesity. Timid. Unable to decide.
Acne rosacea. Greasy face. Pale, sickly look. Skin is yellow, dirty, and greasy. Roughness of knuckles. Pimples with black points in center. Small numerous pustules, itching unhealthy. Itching, after scratching vesicles arise, when touched. Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.
Hypochondriacal dejection. Low spirited and joyless, with a feeling of general exhaustion. Acne. Face is pale, with lusterless eyes encircled by blue ring. Black pores on nose and face.
Calcarea phosphoricum
Acne in anaemic girls at puberty, with vertex headache and flatulent dyspepsia, relieved by eating. Skin is dark - brown, yellowish. Red, with prickling like nettles after a bath.
Thuja occidentalis
Pimples on face. Face glowing redness of whole face, with a fine network of blood vessels, as if it were marbled. oily skin. Burning heat and redness of. Flushes of heat in. Sweat on, especially on side on which he does not lie. Pimples on upper lip and chin. Lips, etc. All eruptions burn violently after cold washing. Corrosive itching. Better scratching, but then followed by burning. Painful sensitiveness of affected part. The skin symptoms better by touch.
Ledum palustre
Angry mood. Love for solitude. Great seriousness. Face, Alternatively pale and red. Dry pimples like millet seed on forehead. Red nodules Boils on forehead. Skin Dry, want of natural perspiration.
Nitricum acidum
Anxious about his complaints, with fear of death. Sadness and despondency. Face yellow. Sunken eyes encircled by yellow. Dark yellow, almost brownish complexion. Pimples on forehead and temples. Skin with Black pores.
Acne from the use of cosmetics; especially during summer. Pale swelling of cheeks. Skin itching, especially when getting warm, better not scratching. Sadness, with restlessness. Easily offended: takes everything in bad part.
Acne simplex in the tubercular children. Rapid breakdown . Takes cold easily; ends in diarrhœa. Fits of violent temper. Craves cold milk, or sweets. Drum belly. Skin dry, harsh, sensitive, easily tanned; itching in cool air. Chilly; yet wants fresh air. Flushes of heat.

Skin care to prevent acne

§ Clean skin gently- Gently wash your face with a mild cleanser [according to the type of your skin], once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as after heavy exercise. It is also important to shampoo your hair regularly. If you have oily hair, you may want to wash it every day. Wash your face with plain water frequently.
§ Avoid frequent handling of the skin. Avoid rubbing and touching skin lesions. Squeezing, pinching or picking blemishes can lead to the development of scars or dark blotches.
§ Shave carefully- Shave gently and only when necessary to reduce the risk of nicking blemishes.
§ Choose cosmetics carefully.
§ Self-care measures and over-the-counter medicine have not helped after several months; Your acne is severe or getting worse; then contact your dermatologist.
§ Products such as facial scrubs, astringents and masks generally aren't recommended because they tend to irritate skin, which can aggravate acne. Excessive washing and scrubbing also can irritate skin. If you tend to develop acne around your hairline, shampoo your hair frequently.
§ Try over-the-counter acne lotion to dry excess oil and promote peeling. Look for products containing benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.
§ Avoid irritants. You may want to avoid oily or greasy cosmetics, sunscreens, hair-styling products or acne concealers. Use products labeled "water-based" or "noncomedogenic."
§ Protect yourself from sun. For some people, the sun worsens acne.

Homeopathic Remedy For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a dangerous disease. Whether it is not fatal more. But still we have to care more other wise it can be damage a lot to body.A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high blood pressure. Both numbers are important. If one or both numbers are usually high, you have high blood pressure. If you are being treated for high blood pressure, you still have high blood pressure even if you have repeated readings in the normal range.  High blood pressure is also called Hypertension.Hypertension, or high blood
pressure, is a very common and serious heart condition, which may even be life-threatening in some cases. What happens in people who suffer from it is that the heart pumps more blood, thus increasing the pressure to the walls of the arteries, particularly if they are already narrowed. Even though this condition does not necessarily have to cause the symptoms immediately in everyone who has it, the fact is that they will appear sooner or later. What is even worse, if left untreated or undiagnosed for a longer period of time, this condition may bring about serious health problems, among which the most severe are stroke and heart attack. People who are physically inactive, those who are obese, smoke, drink too much of alcohol, as well as those with improper and inadequate diet are much more prone to this condition than those with healthier lifestyle and eating habits. However, since the measurement of blood pressure is a part of the routine checkup, this condition is usually easily detected, and those who take their condition seriously have many options at disposal in order to control it.

Hypertension occurs when arterioles, small blood vessels that branch off from the arteries, become constricted making it difficult for blood to pass through them. As a result, blood pressure rises causing your heart to work harder. If your blood pressure at rest stays at 140/90 or more, you may have hypertension.
Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood pumped by the heart, and the size and condition of the arteries. Many other factors can affect blood pressure, including volume of water in the body; salt content of the body; condition of the kidneys, nervous system, or blood vessels; and levels of various hormones in the body.
"Essential" hypertension has no identifiable cause. It may have genetic factors and environmental factors, such as salt intake or others. Essential hypertension comprises over 95% of all high blood pressure.
"Secondary" hypertension is high blood pressure caused by another disorder. This may include:

adrenal gland tumors
Cushing's syndrome
kidney disorders
glomerulonephritis (inflammation of kidneys)
renal vascular obstruction or narrowing
renal failure
use of medications, drugs, or other chemicals
oral contraceptives
hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
periarteritis nodosa
radiation enteritis
retroperitoneal fibrosis
Wilms' tumor
other disorders
Hypertension / High Blood Pressure - SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Usually, no symptoms are present. Occasionally, you may experience a mild headache. If your headache is severe, or if you experience any of the symptoms below, you must be seen by a doctor right away. These may be a sign of dangerously high blood pressure (called malignant hypertension) or a complication from high blood pressure.
- tiredness
- confusion
- vision changes
- angina-like chest pain (crushing chest pain)
- heart failure
- blood in urine
- nosebleed
- irregular heartbeat
- ear noise or buzzing

Hypertension / High Blood Pressure - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies

Raised blood pressure is not a disease in itself. It is just a sign of some underlying disorder. Homeopathy offers good prognosis for cases of essential hypertension. The treatment is based upon the cause and the totality of the case.
Hypertension / High Blood Pressure - CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT
Medications may include diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), or alpha blockers. Medications such as hydralazine, minoxidil, diazoxide, or nitroprusside may be required if the blood pressure is very high.

What are the most helpful herbs in the treatment of high blood pressure?
Besides many medications that are usually prescribed in the treatment of hypertension, more and more people turn to natural ways of dealing with this problem. Among them certain herbs play a very significant role, since they have proven to be more than efficient in this process, and with the use of them, people don’t have to be afraid of the possible side effects. However, it is necessary to include healthy diet and at least moderate physical activity, because without that, even the herbs cannot do much. The most beneficial herbs are:
  • Turmeric, which contains curcumin as one of the ingredients, and curcumin is known for its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots, to reduce the level of cholesterol, as well as the ability to improve the flow of the blood and strengthen the blood vessels.
  • Hawthorn Berry is an herb known for the ability to open the coronary arteries, thus improving the flow of the blood. It is also beneficial when thickening of the arteries needs to be reduced and when heart muscle needs to be strengthened.
  • Ginkgo Biloba also has the potential to improve the circulation and reduce blood pressure, though it also increases the flow of the blood to the brain.
  • Olive leaf extract successfully fights the arrhythmia and lowers blood pressure.

Homeopathic Remedy For Low blood pressure

Homeopathic medicines are getting popular day by day. The main reason behind it is all solution for the curable and incurable diseases. Low Blood Pressure is medically called hypotension. Generally, the blood pressure reading of 90 mm Hg or less systolic blood pressure, or 60 mm Hg or less diastolic blood pressure is regarded as low blood pressure. Vertigo, fainting, lack of concentration, as well as blurred vision, exhaustion and depression are some of the warning sings of low blood pressure. In certain cases, people who suffer from low blood pressure have cold and dry or pale skin. Moreover, quick and shallow breathing and constant thirst may also occur as symptoms of hypotension. Low blood pressure may appear as the consequence of several conditions, such as pregnancy, heart or endocrine problems and septicemia. Furthermore, dehydration, loss of blood, anaphylaxis and lack of nutrients in the diet may also lead to the occurrence of hypotension.

Homeopathic remedies for low blood pressure
Most people prefer homeopathic remedies than allopathic treatment, because homeopathic remedies hardly have side effects. It is important to consult a homeopath before taking any homeopathic cure. Homeopathy is very effective in reducing the symptoms of low blood pressure. Usually, a homeopath prescribes one of the following homeopathic remedies: Aconite, Sepia, Oleander, Acid flour, Adrenalin, Conium, as well as Cactus, Curare, Halo, Histamine and Radium. Although there are more, these homeopathic remedies are the most common.
Homeopathic remedies are preferable in the treatment of low blood pressure, because these remedies are the healthy extracts from the plants and herbs in the form of tinctures. For example, Belladonna, Sanguinaria, Argentum nitricum and Nux vomica are the most frequently used tinctures for hypotension. There is also Ayurvedic treatment for hypotension, which is also very effective. However, the use of any Ayurvedic medicine must be under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

Home remedies for low blood pressure
There are also certain things that we alone can do in order to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of low blood pressure. In the case of hypotension, consuming alcohol is not recommended, because it can aggravate low blood pressure by dehydration, while drinking a lot of water is suggested. Healthy foods are advisable, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish. Most doctors recommend the intake of sodium and salt if a person suffers from hypotension. It is better to eat several small meals during a day, rather than three large meals. Furthermore, it is recommended not to change body position abruptly, but very slowly, especially when trying to stand up.

Homeopathic Flu/Cold Remedies

There are several homeopathic remedies available to combat flu effectively. At the very first sign that flu is developing, take 1/2 tube of Anas barbariae (marketed under various brand names, including Oscillococcinum) every two hours, for a total of five doses. Combination flu remedies work in majority of cases if you take one in the first 4 to 12 hours after you start having symptoms. Follow the dosage recommendations on the label of the remedy you choose. If it’s going to work, you should feel relief with a single dose.
If the flu persists, you’ll probably need a more specific remedy, such as a 12C or 30C dose of Eupatorium perfoliatum, which is good for a flu that causes aches and chills in your back and bones, fatigue, thirst and bad headaches. If you feel dizzy, drowsy and weak but momentarily better after urinating, try a 12C or 30C dose of Gelsemium. Take up to four doses of one of these flu remedies in 24 hours. Then if you don’t feel better, see a professional. Below listed are several specific homeopathic remedies that are useful for flu.
If you are feeling chilly, restless, and weak, choose Arsenicum album. This is for the person who feels worse in a cold room, but wants something cold to drink. You probably have a red nose with runny nasal secretions that burn the nose and upper lip. You also prefer to sit in bed with books, magazines, and a television, and be left alone, but would like a bit of attention every once in a while. Take one dose of Arsenicum album 30Xx or 9C, as directed on the product label, three to four times a day for up to eight doses.
Specific Remedies
Aconitum napellus: This remedy is useful for a flu that comes on suddenly and intensely accompanied by fever, anxiety, constricted pupils, and strong thirst. The person may feel fearful or agitated, and the fever can alternate with chills. Symptoms are often worst around midnight. Exposure to cold wind or a shock of some kind often precedes the illness.
Apis mellifica: If a person has dry fever that alternates with sweating, facial flushing, and a very sore throat with swollen tonsils , then this homeopathic remedy may be prescribed. Pain may extend to the ears, and the eyelids may be swollen. Exposure to cool air and cold applications may bring relief. Despite the fever, thirst usually is low. The person can be very irritable, disliking interference.
Arsenicum album: The person feels chilly and exhausted. Exhibits an anxious restlessness. He/she may be thirsty, but often only takes small sips. May experience nausea with burning pain, or vomiting and acrid diarrhea. If the flu is respiratory, a watery, runny nose with sneezing paroxysms and a dry or wheezing cough are often seen. The person’s head usually feels hot, while the rest of the body is chilly.
Belladonna: This remedy is indicated when there is sudden, intense symptoms including fever, red face, hot skin, and extreme sensitivity to light and jarring. Other symptoms include a very red sore throat, a pounding headache, a nagging cough, or other throbbing and inflammatory symptoms. The person’s hands and feet may feel cold despite high fever. Chills and heat may alternate.
Bryonia: Bryonia is good if symptoms include a headache, cough, constipation, thirst, and irritability. Take one dose of Bryonia 3OX or 9C three to four times a day for up to three days. 
Symptoms: This remedy is often prescribed when a person feels very hot and dry, is thirsty for cold drinks, and experience aching all over. 
  • Grumpy and feels miserable with the flu
  • Wanting only to lie still and be left alone
  • Headache, muscle aches, and cough or stomach pain
  • Everything feels worse from even the slightest motion. 
  • Dry mouth, with a thirst for long cold drinks.
Eupatorium perforliatum: Eupatorium is helpful for severe aching deep in the bones that makes you feel sore allover. Take one dose of Eupatorium 12x or 6c three to four times a day for up to ten doses.
General Characteristics:
Great thirst for cold drinks
Specific symptoms:
Deep ache in the bones and muscles
Eyeballs hurt
Desires cold food and drinks, which are vomited as soon as they warm in the stomach
Painful cough
Yellow tongue
Tremendous aching, as if bones are broken
Fever preceded by chills, especially from 7:00 to 9:00 A.M. 
Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy may be helpful during flu associated with the following symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Rosy cheeks
  • A feeling of weariness
  • Sensitive eyes
  • A short hard cough
  • Strong thirst
  • Vomiting after eating
This remedy is also prescribed in early stages of flu or fever, even if symptoms are not especially clear.
Gelsemium: Take Gelsemium if you have heavy, droopy eyes; feel weak and tired, with aches and chills up and down your back; and want to be alone. Take one dose of Gelsemium 12x or 6c three to four times a day for up to eight doses.
Symptoms: A hot head and face, but with chills that go up and down the back; burning headache without any real sense of thirst, etc. are symptoms for which this remedy is often prescribed. Other symptoms:
  • Fatigue and achiness that come on gradually, increasing over several days
  • The face feels heavy, with droopy eyes and aching. 
  • A headache may begin at the back of the neck and skull
  • Chills and heat running up and down the spine.
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Moderate fever
  • Trembling
  • Perspiration
Mercurius solubilis: Mercurius solubilis is useful when you suffer from a lingering flu that just doesn't seem to go away. You may have a sore throat, bad breath, and tender, swollen glands. Take one dose of Mercurius solubilis 12x or 6c three times a day for up to three days.
Nux vomica: Nux Vomica is often prescribed for flu associated with thoroughly chilled feelings, cannot get warm at all, limbs and back are aching, stomach upset. Other indications are:
  • high fever
  • violent chills
  • strong nausea
  • cramping in the digestive tract (or a painful cough and constricted breathing if the flu is respiratory)
  • headache 
  • oversensitivity to sound, bright light, and odors
  • often very irritable
  • feels worse from exertion
  • Feels worse from being cold in any way
Oscillococcinum (also called Anas barbariae): Oscillococcinum is one of the common names used for a remedy that is widely used for prevention and treatment of flu in the United States and Europe. It has strong antiviral effects.
Phosphorus: This remedy is indicated for flu when it is accompanied by:
  • fever with an easily-flushing face
  • feels very weak and dizzy
  • headache
  • hoarseness
  • sore throat
  • cough 
  • stomach pain and nausea or vomiting
  • strong anxiety
  • wanting others to be around to offer company and reassurance
  • strong thirst, with a tendency to vomit when liquids warm up in the stomach