Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeopathic Remedy Finder

Homeopathic Remedy Finder

Homeopathic Remedy Finder by Jane Thurnell-ReadThere are thousands of different homeopathic remedies. Here is a brief introduction to some of the most common ones, but you may need to read more about the remedy or consult a homeopath in order to find the right one to take:
Acid Nit
Irritability. Pains as from splinters. Worse cold climate and hot weather. Warts.
Acid Phos
Poor memory. Frequent urination at night. Pressure behind the sternum.
Rapid onset of colds and flu. Sore throat. Red rashes. Measles. Ear ache. Effect of fear and fright.
Actaea Rac
Depression, headaches, neuralgia. Worse for cold, damp and movement.
Agaricus Musc
Itching and burning extremities. Hands and feet red and swollen. Chilblains.
Aletris Far
Heaviness in lower part of abdomen with false labour pains.
Heavy head. Poor appetite. Excessive thirst. Desire for sweets. Fatigue. Poor sleep.
Allium Cepa
Frequent sneezing. Watery nasal secretions. Head colds. Neuralgia. Better in open air.
Hurried. Moody. Dry mucous membranes. Abnormal cravings. Constipation.
Antim Crud
Oozing blisters. Thick hard scabs. Impetigo.
Antim Tart
Cough with white, coated tongue. Unable to raise phlegm. Acute bronchitis.
Apis Mel
Insect stings. Burning stinging pains. Burns. Cystitis. Arthritis. Jealousy. Awkward.
Argent Nit
Acidity. Headache. Conjunctivitis. Mental strain. Nervous anticipation. Colds. Diarrhoea. Nappy rash.
After injury. Mental and physical shock. Before operations. Visits to the dentist. Exhaustion.
Arsen Alb
Stomach upsets from food poisoning. Diarrhoea. Vomiting.
Avena Sativa
Exhaustion. Sleeplessness. Poor muscle tone. Loss of appetite after illness. Calcium loss in bones and teeth.
Tuberculosis. Humid asthma. Ringworm. Muco-purulent expectoration.
Confusion. Offensive discharges. Stupor. Dark red face. Aching and soreness all over. Gastric flu.
Baryta Carb
Delayed mental and physical development. Sore throats. Nail biting. Tonsillitis.
Hot, flushed face. Sore throat. Neuralgia. Throbbing headache. Earache. Boils. Fever. Mumps.
Chicken pox.
Bellis Perennis
Black-and-blue spots, painful to touch. Bruising. Fatigue after a blow or fall.
Itchy skin eruptions. Improved by cold compresses. Infantile eczema.
Dread of downward motion. Nervous. Sensitive to noise. Impatience. Hot flushes.
Chesty colds. Dry cough. Muscular pain - better when resting. Acute bronchitis.
Cactus Grand
Spasmodic pain. Constrictions. Congestive headache. Dysmenorrhea. Iron band round chest.
Depression and fatigue. Memory loss. Irritability at least noise. Tobacco antidote.
Calc Carb
Sensitive. Easily embarrassed. Profuse periods in young girls. Catches colds easily. Acne rosacea.
Calc Fluor
Thick catarrh. Bleeding piles. Cracking joints. Indecision.
Calc Phos
Severe stomach pain after eating. Early periods. Acne. Growing pains. Brain fag.
Extreme sores with or without loss of skin. Bee and wasp stings. Burns. Bruises.
Burns. Burning pains. Cystitis. Gnat bites. Itchy blisters.
Carbo Veg
Indigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Acne. Debility.
Intensely sympathetic. Depression, apprehension, timidity. Paralysis. Skin dirty.
Teething. Whining, demanding children. Frantic, unbearable pain. Nightmares. Irritability.
Tooth ache. Jaundice. General lethargy. Worse for change of weather.
Convalescence. Haemorrhage. Diarrhoea. PMT. Congestive headaches. Copious periods with dark clots.
Cicuta Virosa
Spasmodic contractions of muscles. Stiffness of neck. Contortions. Convulsions.
Irritability. Dark rings round eyes. Insatiable hunger. Insomnia. Intestinal parasites.
Irritability. Profound sadness. Constipation. Headaches with nausea. Period problems.
Intestinal colic. Cramp. Dysentery-type stools.
Conium Mac
Dizziness. Numbness. Weakness. Trembling. Sweating.
Cuprum Met
Cramps. Nausea and vomiting. Metallic taste in mouth.
Hoarse barking cough. Constant tickling cough. Whooping cough. Ganglia.
Eupatorium Perf
Aching and stiffness of bones and muscles. Pain in eyeballs. Flu.
Watering eyes. Streaming nose. Inflamed eyes. Conjunctivitis. Measles.
Ferrum Phos
Fear. Greatly varying appetite. Flushes easily. Nose bleed. Acute bronchitis. Acute earache.
Influenza. Nervous anxiety. Sick headache. Sore throat. Runny nose. Measles. Examination nerves.
Chapped, unhealthy skin. Cracked weeping eczema. Backwardness at school. Apathetic and overweight.
Varicose veins. Piles. Bruised soreness. Chilblains. Nose bleed.
Sees, hears, tastes imperfectly. Muscular weakness. Sinking sensation. Sighing.
Hepar Sulph
Skin sensitive to touch. Injuries tend to suppurate. Wheezing. Abscesses. Boils. Croup. Aggressiveness.
Hydrastis Can
Thick and yellow mucous. Itching of vulva.
Very painful cuts and wounds. Blows to fingers or toes. Horse-fly bites. Painful bleeding piles.
Weepiness. Bereavement. Hysteria. Headache. Effects of anger and fear. Insomnia. Tobacco antidote.
Any illness where there is constant nausea and sickness. Morning sickness. Nose bleed. Spasmodic cough.
Iris Vers
Sick headache. Pancreas affected. Goitre. Burning of alimentary canal.
Kali Bich
Catarrh. Stringy sputum. Pain at the root of the nose. Measles. Cough.
Kali Carb
Irritable. Sensitive to pain, noise and touch. Intolerance of cold weather.
Kali Phos
Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Giddiness from exhaustion and weakness after flu.
Stupid, forgetful, irritable. Offensive discharges. Worse open air, cold, rest.
Jealousy, fear, suspicion. Worse from sleep. Sleeplessness. Cystitis. Mastitis. Thin, offensive stools. PMT.
Ledum Pal
Pain travelling upwards. Black eye. Puncture wounds. Intense coldness.
Lilium Tigrinum
Profound depression. Aimless. Better fresh air. Vaginal itching.
Fear of failure. Excessive or lack of appetite. Flatulence. Craving sweet foods. Dyslexia. Aggressiveness.
Mag Carb
Acidity. Sensitive to least touch. Periods late and scanty.
Mag Phos
Anti-spasmodic. Neuralgic pains. Toothache. Better for heat. Flatulent colic. Menstrual colic. Angina.
Chronic rheumatism. Intolerable pain. Trembling all over. Intense itching of anus. Offensive periods. Sterility.
Merc Cor
Iritis. Sore, swollen throat. Tenesmus not relieved by passing stools.
Merc Cyanatus
Thick greyish coating of mouth. Tongue white with fetid breath. Thrush.
Merc Sol
Bad breath. Body odour. Sore throats. Diarrhoea. Abscesses. Chicken pox. Mumps. Abnormal sweat.
Ulceration of skin. Itchy blisters. Impetigo.
Natrum Mur
Sneezing. Sinus. Eczema. Thrush. Incontinence. Vertigo. Exhaustion. Craves salt.
Nux Moschata
Sleepiness. Fainting fits. Changeable moods. Dryness of mucous membranes.
Nux Vom
Nervous indigestion. Early morning liverishness. Indigestion 2-3 hours after food. Hangover.
Heavy sleep. Sweaty skin. Loss of consciousness. Snoring. Noisy breathing.
Flu. Common cold
Oozing skin eruptions. Fiery blisters. Infantile eczema.
Bronchitis. Dry cough. Hypersensivity. Nose bleed.
Phytolacca Dec
Glandular swellings with heat and inflammation.
Arrogant. Numbness and coldness.
Biliousness. Talkative. Depression. Worse in hot weather.
Extreme sensitivity to cold. Offensive discharges. Always hungry. Intolerable itching. Worse for coffee.
Weepiness, particularly in children. Menstrual problems. Styes. Change of life. Adenoids.
Septic states. Offensive discharges. Restless. Dry tongue.
Ranunculus Bulb
Effects of alcohol. Soreness of chest. Burning and intense itching of skin.
Rhus Tox
Strains of joints or tendons. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Sciatica. Herpes of lips. Burns. Chicken pox.
Rumex Crispus
Enlarged lymph glands. Tickling in throat. Dry cough. Raw pain under clavicle.
Ruta Grava
Bruised bones. Fractures. Dislocations. Eye strain. Eyes burn and ache. Housemaid’s knee.
Violent pulsations. Worse least motion. Risk of miscarriage.
Sambucus Nigra
Sudden waking at night with feeling of suffocation. Infantile asthma.
Secale Cornutum
Debility. Anxiety. Better from cold.
Nausea and vomiting with yellowish diarrhoea. Aromatic smell to breath.
Periods suppressed or delayed. Change of life. Morning sickness. Bearing down pain in the abdomen.
Boils. Abscesses. Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble. Rickets. Thinness. Tonsillitis. Sleep walking.
Styes. Inflammation and itchiness of corner of eye.
Itching skin. Skin troubles. Eczema. Boils. Burning and itching piles.
Non-union of fractures. Pricking pain. Pain in eye after a blow.
Utter prostration in the morning. Hopeless. Chronic eruptions. Rheumatism.
Coated, mapped tongue. Constipation.
Warts. Brittle nails. Morning headaches. Absence of appetite in the morning. Antidote to vaccinations.
Incipient T.B. Symptoms constantly changing. Emaciated. Fear of animals. Dysmenorrhea. Enlarged tonsils.
Urtica Urens
Superficial burns with skin irritation.
Veratrum Alb
Collapse with extreme coldness. Cold perspiration. Vomiting. Cramps in extremities.
Zincum Met
Convulsions. Sensitive to noise. Lethargic, stupid. Squinting. Very hungry. Varicose veins. Soles sensitive.

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