Samuel Hahnemann, who was researching malaria treatments, discovered homeopathy in the early 1800s. He used an approach similar to modern day inoculations: He gave the patient a minute amount of an herb or mineral that would--in larger doses--cause the same ailment that he was treating.
Over many years, Hahnemann found that homeopathy worked well in such minute amounts, a chemist could barely detect the powerful herb or mineral in the sugar pill that contained it.
Since that time, homeopathy has been a preferred medical approach in the U.K. and in Europe, especially among royalty. In the U.S. and Canada, homeopathy has recently gained in popularity, especially for weight loss.
Homeopathy treats symptoms rather than the specific disease. So, a homeopathic physician will ask you what makes you feel better or worse, related to your physical complaint. Once he's narrowed the symptoms to just a few, he may ask you to try one homeopathic remedy for a few days. If it doesn't help, he may add another remedy, or change your treatment altogether.
It's rarely smart to self-medicate when you are ill. And, to discover the best homeopathic remedy for your weight loss challenges, you'll get the best results if you consult a health care professional. The information in this article is not a substitute for qualified medical care.
In the field of homeopathy, several leading remedies can help with weight loss. The names of homeopathic products are usually in Latin, and often abbreviated on the label.
These are some of the more popular remedies that you can find at many pharmacies and health food stores. Most of them help your diet efforts by balancing your metabolism and general digestion.
Ferr. phos. is an all-purpose tissue salt that can help if you are feeling cranky on a diet. If you are trying to lose weight in connection with hormonal changes, such as menopause, this is a good remedy to try first.
Coffea cruda is a good choice if you're feeling "on edge" and little things bother you more than usual. Another indication for Coffea cruda is you have insomnia. Finally, this remedy may be recommended if feel flushed when others feel comfortable, yet going outside makes you feel worse, not better.
Calcarea carbonica is used in cases that are similar to Coffea cruda, with one very important exception: Calcarea carbonica is preferred if your eyelids feel stuck together when you wake up, if your nose is runny, or if you have a slight discharge from your ears. This remedy can also help if you're feeling lightheaded while dieting, but your nutritional level is good.
Calcarea carbonica is generally more popular than Coffea cruda, but it's important to be guided by your symptoms.
If a craving for sweets is your worst diet problem, Argentum nitricum or Lycopodium Clavatum can help immediately. Try one; if it doesn't work, try the other after a few hours. The homeopathic remedy Sulphur is a third choice if the other two don't help; it's one of the most popular treatments for many ailments, too.
On the other hand, if you want to snarl at the next person who asks you about your diet or reminds you not to eat too much, Antimonium crudum may be the best remedy. It's especially useful if your irritability is accompanied by flatulence or belching, you're noticing more blemishes than usual, and you crave sour foods and vinegar.
If you've been feeling anxious or especially sad lately, Ignatia Amara might be helpful. It's the first choice if you're someone who eats when nervous or agitated. If you've noticed that you're sighing a lot and don't know why, this is another indication that Ignatia can help.
Sulphuricum Acidum may help if you keep eating, even after you're full. It's especially advised if you're someone who tends to rush through everything, trying to fit more into your day.
These are just a few of the most popular homeopathic remedies
that can help when you're on a diet.
If you're confused by the wide scope of this subject, you can buy combinations of homeopathic remedies for specific purposes. There are several mixtures sold for use with diets; your health food store probably has some. Many people have success with them, although classical homeopathy insists that only one remedy is ever necessary or appropriate.
Because the active homeopathic ingredient can be one one-millionth of the sugar pill that it's in, this is one of the safest pharmaceutical areas. You can combine homeopathic treatments with traditional medicine, and many doctors do. Nearly half of all doctors in France, Holland, and the U.K. have recommended homeopathy or believe that it is an effective treatment.
The low price of many homeopathic remedies--under $5 in many cases--makes this especially attractive if you'd like help with your diet. Homeopathic remedies are available over-the-counter, since they are generally non-toxic.
However, you'll get the best results if you consult someone who has studied the thousands of homeopathic choices that are available.
Over many years, Hahnemann found that homeopathy worked well in such minute amounts, a chemist could barely detect the powerful herb or mineral in the sugar pill that contained it.
Since that time, homeopathy has been a preferred medical approach in the U.K. and in Europe, especially among royalty. In the U.S. and Canada, homeopathy has recently gained in popularity, especially for weight loss.
Homeopathy treats symptoms rather than the specific disease. So, a homeopathic physician will ask you what makes you feel better or worse, related to your physical complaint. Once he's narrowed the symptoms to just a few, he may ask you to try one homeopathic remedy for a few days. If it doesn't help, he may add another remedy, or change your treatment altogether.
It's rarely smart to self-medicate when you are ill. And, to discover the best homeopathic remedy for your weight loss challenges, you'll get the best results if you consult a health care professional. The information in this article is not a substitute for qualified medical care.
In the field of homeopathy, several leading remedies can help with weight loss. The names of homeopathic products are usually in Latin, and often abbreviated on the label.
These are some of the more popular remedies that you can find at many pharmacies and health food stores. Most of them help your diet efforts by balancing your metabolism and general digestion.
Ferr. phos. is an all-purpose tissue salt that can help if you are feeling cranky on a diet. If you are trying to lose weight in connection with hormonal changes, such as menopause, this is a good remedy to try first.
Coffea cruda is a good choice if you're feeling "on edge" and little things bother you more than usual. Another indication for Coffea cruda is you have insomnia. Finally, this remedy may be recommended if feel flushed when others feel comfortable, yet going outside makes you feel worse, not better.
Calcarea carbonica is used in cases that are similar to Coffea cruda, with one very important exception: Calcarea carbonica is preferred if your eyelids feel stuck together when you wake up, if your nose is runny, or if you have a slight discharge from your ears. This remedy can also help if you're feeling lightheaded while dieting, but your nutritional level is good.
Calcarea carbonica is generally more popular than Coffea cruda, but it's important to be guided by your symptoms.
If a craving for sweets is your worst diet problem, Argentum nitricum or Lycopodium Clavatum can help immediately. Try one; if it doesn't work, try the other after a few hours. The homeopathic remedy Sulphur is a third choice if the other two don't help; it's one of the most popular treatments for many ailments, too.
On the other hand, if you want to snarl at the next person who asks you about your diet or reminds you not to eat too much, Antimonium crudum may be the best remedy. It's especially useful if your irritability is accompanied by flatulence or belching, you're noticing more blemishes than usual, and you crave sour foods and vinegar.
If you've been feeling anxious or especially sad lately, Ignatia Amara might be helpful. It's the first choice if you're someone who eats when nervous or agitated. If you've noticed that you're sighing a lot and don't know why, this is another indication that Ignatia can help.
Sulphuricum Acidum may help if you keep eating, even after you're full. It's especially advised if you're someone who tends to rush through everything, trying to fit more into your day.
These are just a few of the most popular homeopathic remedies
that can help when you're on a diet.
If you're confused by the wide scope of this subject, you can buy combinations of homeopathic remedies for specific purposes. There are several mixtures sold for use with diets; your health food store probably has some. Many people have success with them, although classical homeopathy insists that only one remedy is ever necessary or appropriate.
Because the active homeopathic ingredient can be one one-millionth of the sugar pill that it's in, this is one of the safest pharmaceutical areas. You can combine homeopathic treatments with traditional medicine, and many doctors do. Nearly half of all doctors in France, Holland, and the U.K. have recommended homeopathy or believe that it is an effective treatment.
The low price of many homeopathic remedies--under $5 in many cases--makes this especially attractive if you'd like help with your diet. Homeopathic remedies are available over-the-counter, since they are generally non-toxic.
However, you'll get the best results if you consult someone who has studied the thousands of homeopathic choices that are available.
Obesity is fast becoming a major cause of disease and death like cigarette smoking. Almost 25% of Americans are obese. The other countries are also showing increase in obese people. In India there is overall increase in number of obese people but especially it is more common in northern parts of India.
Weight gain after pregnancy has become very common these days. Apart from physiological reasons, this weight gain may be due to thyroid dysfunciton, birth control pills, stress and so on. Stress releases some hormones in the body which lead to weight gain. Sometimes, allopathic drugs such as anti depressants and anti psychotic drugs are given for depression after pregnancy, which can lead to further weight gain.
There are a lot of treatment options and remedies available in the market for obesity. But almost all of them are associated with serious side effects and toxicity except homeopathy. And mind you side effects of drugs kills more people in United States than road accidents.
In homeopathy there are 189 remedies for obesity. The choice of remedy depends upon the complete case history of the patient. This is very unique to homeopathy. A remedy is tailormade for a particular patient not like other therapies where all are given the same drug may be having different trade names. This is the reason that homeopathy is free from side effects whereas other therapies have toxic effects on a person.
For example, Fucus vesiculosus is chose by a homeopath when the patient also has thyroid problem and is constipated. It is also helpful in burning up the fat tissues. Phytolacca berry is chosen when we have to increase the metabolic rate. A homeopath may choose Calcarea carbonicum if the patient is fair, fatty and flabby with depression and constipation. So, in homeopathy the choice of remedy depends upon the complete symptomatology of the patient.
In my medical practice I use the homeopathic program for obesity or weight management given by Dr. Richard Clement, MD, with some changes to suit my individual patients. This program consists of 4 Cs - Change, Control, Cleanse, Caloric Reduction.
Change: Use smaller plates, eat with the non dominant hand i.e. if you are a right-handed person you should eat with left hand and vice versa, do not read or watch TV while eating, chew every bite twenty times.
Control: The right homeopathic remedy with a help of a professional homeopath to control obesity.
Cleanse: Drink lots of water. Exercise atleast 45 minutes daily; any type of exercise would do; it may be walking, jogging, playing a sport, anything. Your homeopath may add homeopathic remedies for liver and kidney elimination. All the above mobilize the accumulated toxic substances in the body to be washed away.
Caloric Reduction: Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits with high fibre content and low calories and sugar.
The above obesity treatment program has given me amazing results in patients who are committed and follow the instructions and remedies given.
Thus, homeopathy offers a safe, long lasting and holistic solution for fat loss in obese people. The remedies are composed of natural elements in minuscule doses with absolutely no side effects. In dealing with the problem, it goes to the very root of it, is gentle on the body and takes into account the emotional and psychological aspects of a patient.
International research shows that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in reducing weight and offer fast weight loss as they help to burn calories faster by speeding up the metabolic rate.
As most people are now aware, losing weight is no longer about looking good but being healthy. Homeopathy helps in doing so safely, surely and systematically so that the weight that comes off stays off.
For online homeopathic treatment of obesity or weight loss program, you may fill in the consultation form at
What is Obesity?
You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.
An overweight or obese adult is determined by body mass index (BMI) which is defined as follows: Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters or as weight in pounds multiplied by 705 and then divided twice by height in inches.
A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 indicates that an individual is overweight, whereas an obese adult has a BMI of 30 or higher.
Another way to determine obesity is that if you are weighing 20% more than your ideal body weight, you are considered obese or overweight. Your ideal weight is based on age and gender.
Causes of Obesity
* Poor diet.
* Diabetes.
* Thyroid disorders.
* Heredity.
* Insufficient exercise.
* Sedantary lifestyle like watching TV.
* Smoking.
* Drinking alcohol.
* Certain drugs like estrogens, progestins, insulin and steroids have weight gain as their side effect.
Dangers of Obesity
* Enlargement of liver due to high fat content.
* Extra weight puts a lot of pressure on heart and peripheral vascular system and usually lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
* Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be triggered by even moderate rise in fat.
* Colorectal cancer and breast cancer has been associated with obese people.
* Respiratory problems are also aggravated by excessive weight gain.
Consult a Doctor if
* your obesity is associated with menstrual troubles, drop in libido or male pattern hair distribution.
Diet, Nutrition & Prevention
* One should eat 3 or 4 moderate meals per day and day meal should be the main because if the dinner is heavy it would be less easily absorbed and digested.
* Diets are actually not recommended because then you have to fast or deprive yourself which would eventually make you unhealthy and you would gain more weight than before afterwards.
* You must not reward yourself with food.
* High-fibre and low-fat diet is recommended. It should be a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates such as pasta and potatoes, chicken, fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits.
* Sedantary habits like watching TV should be abandoned.
* Start playing some sport or have some regular exercise routine.
* Drink lots of water atleast 10 glasses per day instead of soft drinks and juices.
* Stop smoking because it affects the storge of fat leading to more deposition in the waist area.
* Alcohol should be moderate.
Home Remedies for Obesity
Weight gain after pregnancy has become very common these days. Apart from physiological reasons, this weight gain may be due to thyroid dysfunciton, birth control pills, stress and so on. Stress releases some hormones in the body which lead to weight gain. Sometimes, allopathic drugs such as anti depressants and anti psychotic drugs are given for depression after pregnancy, which can lead to further weight gain.
There are a lot of treatment options and remedies available in the market for obesity. But almost all of them are associated with serious side effects and toxicity except homeopathy. And mind you side effects of drugs kills more people in United States than road accidents.
In homeopathy there are 189 remedies for obesity. The choice of remedy depends upon the complete case history of the patient. This is very unique to homeopathy. A remedy is tailormade for a particular patient not like other therapies where all are given the same drug may be having different trade names. This is the reason that homeopathy is free from side effects whereas other therapies have toxic effects on a person.
For example, Fucus vesiculosus is chose by a homeopath when the patient also has thyroid problem and is constipated. It is also helpful in burning up the fat tissues. Phytolacca berry is chosen when we have to increase the metabolic rate. A homeopath may choose Calcarea carbonicum if the patient is fair, fatty and flabby with depression and constipation. So, in homeopathy the choice of remedy depends upon the complete symptomatology of the patient.
In my medical practice I use the homeopathic program for obesity or weight management given by Dr. Richard Clement, MD, with some changes to suit my individual patients. This program consists of 4 Cs - Change, Control, Cleanse, Caloric Reduction.
Change: Use smaller plates, eat with the non dominant hand i.e. if you are a right-handed person you should eat with left hand and vice versa, do not read or watch TV while eating, chew every bite twenty times.
Control: The right homeopathic remedy with a help of a professional homeopath to control obesity.
Cleanse: Drink lots of water. Exercise atleast 45 minutes daily; any type of exercise would do; it may be walking, jogging, playing a sport, anything. Your homeopath may add homeopathic remedies for liver and kidney elimination. All the above mobilize the accumulated toxic substances in the body to be washed away.
Caloric Reduction: Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits with high fibre content and low calories and sugar.
The above obesity treatment program has given me amazing results in patients who are committed and follow the instructions and remedies given.
Thus, homeopathy offers a safe, long lasting and holistic solution for fat loss in obese people. The remedies are composed of natural elements in minuscule doses with absolutely no side effects. In dealing with the problem, it goes to the very root of it, is gentle on the body and takes into account the emotional and psychological aspects of a patient.
International research shows that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in reducing weight and offer fast weight loss as they help to burn calories faster by speeding up the metabolic rate.
As most people are now aware, losing weight is no longer about looking good but being healthy. Homeopathy helps in doing so safely, surely and systematically so that the weight that comes off stays off.
For online homeopathic treatment of obesity or weight loss program, you may fill in the consultation form at
What is Obesity?
You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.
An overweight or obese adult is determined by body mass index (BMI) which is defined as follows: Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters or as weight in pounds multiplied by 705 and then divided twice by height in inches.
A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 indicates that an individual is overweight, whereas an obese adult has a BMI of 30 or higher.
Another way to determine obesity is that if you are weighing 20% more than your ideal body weight, you are considered obese or overweight. Your ideal weight is based on age and gender.
Causes of Obesity
* Poor diet.
* Diabetes.
* Thyroid disorders.
* Heredity.
* Insufficient exercise.
* Sedantary lifestyle like watching TV.
* Smoking.
* Drinking alcohol.
* Certain drugs like estrogens, progestins, insulin and steroids have weight gain as their side effect.
Dangers of Obesity
* Enlargement of liver due to high fat content.
* Extra weight puts a lot of pressure on heart and peripheral vascular system and usually lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
* Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be triggered by even moderate rise in fat.
* Colorectal cancer and breast cancer has been associated with obese people.
* Respiratory problems are also aggravated by excessive weight gain.
Consult a Doctor if
* your obesity is associated with menstrual troubles, drop in libido or male pattern hair distribution.
Diet, Nutrition & Prevention
* One should eat 3 or 4 moderate meals per day and day meal should be the main because if the dinner is heavy it would be less easily absorbed and digested.
* Diets are actually not recommended because then you have to fast or deprive yourself which would eventually make you unhealthy and you would gain more weight than before afterwards.
* You must not reward yourself with food.
* High-fibre and low-fat diet is recommended. It should be a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates such as pasta and potatoes, chicken, fish, plenty of vegetables and fruits.
* Sedantary habits like watching TV should be abandoned.
* Start playing some sport or have some regular exercise routine.
* Drink lots of water atleast 10 glasses per day instead of soft drinks and juices.
* Stop smoking because it affects the storge of fat leading to more deposition in the waist area.
* Alcohol should be moderate.
Home Remedies for Obesity
* Craving for sweets can be reduced by having 1 to 2 tsp of brewer's yeast or some dandlion.
* You can increase your metabolism with Bee pollen or a dash of cayenne (Capsicum frutescens).
Tons of tips here Tilak. You don't need to spend lots of money to eat healthy as others think. You just need to be wise and know the basics of losing weight.
ReplyDeleteweight loss in Fairfax
For losing weight follow some initial rules, never spend extra money on it. The above article is just awesome . Eat well balance diet and do some useful workout to be active and healthy.
ReplyDeleteTacoma weight loss
I have a big love about reading to collect useful information about weight loss homeopathic medicine and treatment.
ReplyDeletediet drops & hcg diet program
Great list...and now I know what I'll be spending the rest of my day doing - reading! (Good thing I already worked out!)
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